Consider Asparagus

Asparagus is has been grown for at least two millennia. It is not susceptible to many disease problems. Itโ€™s a good source of vitamin A

Weeping Cherry

One of the most sought-after trees in the landscape is the Weeping Cherry tree. The showcase of pink and white blooms that these trees produce

Plant Now for Summer Fruit

If you havenโ€™t already done so, do plan on adding at least one fruit tree to your landscape or potted garden collection. The selection is

Flowering Quince

The flowering quince has become famous for the beautiful flowers it produces at a time of the year when little else of interest is happening

Try Some Swiss Chard in Your Garden

Looking for something a little out-of-the-ordinary to plant in your cool-weather garden? Why not give Swiss chard a try? Swiss chard makes a healthful addition

Lilacs: The Sweet Scent of Spring

Lilacs are one of the most beloved plants in the U.S. and their sweetly scented, panicles of flowers are something that gardeners the world over

Grow Your Own Onions

Once believed to cure everything from mad dog bites to baldness, the onion has never ceased to amaze - both in and out of the

St. Patrickโ€™s Day in the USA

Everyone associates St. Patrickโ€™s Day with Ireland-itโ€™s a celebration of Irelandโ€™s most-recognized patron saint, right? Aside from the fact that Saint Patrick wasnโ€™t Irish (he

Oxalis: The American Shamrock

Once a year, everyone is Irish! St. Patrick, Irelandโ€™s patron saint, is celebrated each year on March 17th, his religious feast day and the anniversary

Keep Your Cymbidiums Blooming

Although many cymbidiums start to flower in December, some bloom as early as November. Most bloom between February and May, a few in May and