Purple Martins

Now is the time to prepare for Purple Martin scouts to arrive! Purple martins are aerial insectivores; like insectivore bats, they catch insects from the

Creating a Cottage Garden

What really is a cottage garden? When, where, and why did it originate? Cottage gardens are indigenous to European cultures where people had small plots

Dealing with Plants and Snow

Itโ€™s hard not to fret over your landscape when snow begins to fall, isnโ€™t it? A couple of inches collect on the ground and weโ€™re

Presidentโ€™s Day

The holiday we now know as Presidentsโ€™ Day was originally established as a federal holiday in 1885 to recognize the birthday of President George Washington

Recycle Your Christmas Tree and Greenery

Soon, your once-fresh Christmas tree and greens will be moving from Christmas to crispness. No matter. When youโ€™re ready to take down the decorations, explore