Happy Thanksgiving

Some Fun Thanksgiving Facts for You: The Pilgrimsโ€™ first Thanksgiving feast, in 1621, lasted three days. On October 3, 2024 Abraham Lincoln issued a “Thanksgiving

Designing A Drought Tolerant Garden

When most people think about drought tolerant landscaping they conjure up images of rock, cactus, and succulents. And while they can have a place in

Controlling Rabbits

Rabbits are one of the most loved and adored animals around. They are kept as pets, appear in childrenโ€™s books and even have a celebrated

Indoor Bulb Gardening

Forcing bulbs to bloom inside the house is a wonderful, easy way to get through the cold gray days of winter while adding fragrance and

2008 All-America Rose Selections

The All-America Rose Selection committee is a non-profit association of rose growers and introducers dedicated to the introduction and promotion of exceptional roses. AARS operates

Color Your Garden

Summer may be in the rear view mirror but show-stopping color doesnโ€™t have to be! Fall can be the most rewarding season of all as

Go Native!

Across the country, more and more people are discovering the satisfaction of landscaping their homes with native plants. Many native plants are attractive ornamentals and

Pumpkin of a Different Color

As Halloween approaches, consider decorating your porch or front sidewalk with some pumpkins of a different color. If you want a really rare pumpkin, try

The Fringe Element

If youโ€™re itching to do some planting during the fall, take a look at some flowering shrubs. This is the ideal time for planting them.