Perfectly Pretty Primroses

If you are looking for the perfect flower to bridge the gap between winter and summer, consider the primrose. Like a ray of sunshine on

Growing a Winter Indoor Herb

Have you bid your herb plants “adieu” and resigned yourself to using dried herbs until the warm weather returns in the spring? Why not try

Be Plant-Wise For The Holidays

Celebrating the holidays surrounded by beloved children and pets always makes this time of year sweeter. But the little darlings sure can get into trouble

Decorate Your Home For Thanksgiving

Nestled as it is between Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving sometimes gets lost in the shuffle-and, if you think about it, that really is a shame.

Poinsettias: A Worldwide Holiday Tradition

Poinsettias are a wonderful worldwide holiday tradition. In fact, next to a Christmas tree, nothing else says Christmas quite like poinsettias. Displayed alone or in

Lovely, Fragrant Paperwhite Narcissus

Paperwhite narcissus are one of the most fragrant and easiest bulbs to grow. The heavily scented, spring blooming, white trumpeted flowers can be grown both

Gardening Tips for November

Cover strawberry beds with 2″ of straw (not hay). This will protect the plants from cold and winds, control weeds and warm the soil earlier