Begonia x Hiemalis, the Winter Begonia

Begonia x hiemalis are more commonly known as winter begonias or Rieger begonias. They were developed by Otto Rieger and are are a hybrid between wax begonias and tuberous begonias.

They are ideal winter-flowering indoor plants, as they prefer cool temperatures-around 70 degrees in the day and 60-65 at night. They do best in bright indirect light-an east window is best.

Grow them in well-drained soil and feed with half-strength fertilize while they are in bloom. Remove spent flowers to stimulate new bloom. Water the soil when itโ€™s dry about 1/2″ down. Donโ€™t overwater, and water the soil, not the leaves. These are not humidity lovers-another reason why they do well indoors!

These cheerful flowers are a great way to brighten up your home in the winter!