Brighten Your Home with Kalanchoes

Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is a naturally blooming succulent that offers up an array of blooms in many festive colors. It is a perky little plant that is easy to care for. Whether planted in a decorative basket or grouped together in a basket on the kitchen windowsill, kalanchoes will not disappoint you.

Kalanchoes have become increasingly popular as a gift plant and feature dark-green succulent leaves topped by masses of miniature, brightly colored blossoms in shades of red, orange, yellow, or salmon-pink. In their native Madagascar, the plants bloom only during the spring months, but with a little attention, they can produce blooms in any season.

Kalanchoes are similar to poinsettias and chrysanthemums, which initiate their flowering in response to long nights. Growers pull opaque shade fabric over their plants for 14 hours each night until the plants initiate flower buds. You can accomplish the same thing by placing a box over your plant for the same “long night” period.

Kalanchoes prefer lots of bright light to keep them happy and are ideal for the warm temperatures inside a home. They like to be watered deeply, but prefer to dry out between waterings.

If leaves start to yellow and shrivel up, your plant might be dehydrated and in need of water. If this happens, remove spent foliage and water thoroughly. Kalanchoes look best when fed every two weeks with a water-soluble plant food.