

Coneflowers: Beautiful and Hardy

  Coneflowers (Echinacea species) are native American wildflowers that have found their way into our gardens because of their stunning beauty and hardiness. Originally only available in shades of purple and lavender, coneflowers now come in a

Blooming Vines for Summer Color

  Summer is here and many blooming vines are bursting with color. Strolling through your neighborhood or on your drive to work, you can’t help but notice them. Many are evergreen, some are deciduous, and all love the summer sun to produce

No Room for Fruit Trees? Think Again!

  As homes continue to be built larger and garden space becomes smaller, fewer homeowners have the space to plant as many fruit trees. But that doesn’t mean you have to go without the fresh taste of homegrown fruit. All you have to do is

Grower Talks May 1975 – Disbud Pot Mums? Norm White’s Comments

Grower Talks May 1975 – Disbud Pot Mums? Norm White’s Comments View Article As PDF Changes Brewing At Norm White’s, Norfolk By Vic Ball     During a call on Norm White, Norfolk, Virginia, last April (spring ‘74),

Grower Talks Sept. 1974 - Norm White Bedding “Grower of the Month”

Grower Talks Sept. 1974 - Norm White Bedding “Grower of the Month” View Article As PDF Bedding Grower of the Month Norm White, Norfolk By Vic Ball     Norm does it all well!     He grows

Kalanchoe for Great Indoor Color

  Kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is a naturally blooming succulent that offers up an array of blooms in many festive colors. Kalanchoe [kal-an-KO-ee or kal-LAN-cho] is a perky little plant that is easy to care for. Whether planted in a

Crown of Thorns Euphorbia Milii

  Want a succulent that thrives in neglectful conditions; one that only requires only sun to partial shade and little water? Consider the Euphorbia milii, which is also known by the names “Crown of Thorns,” “Christ