The Colorful Florist’s Cineraria

One of the most spectacular winter blooming plants is the Florist’s Cineraria (Pericallis x hybrida). What makes these plants so special is that the deep green, slightly lobed leaves of these colorful beauties are often completely covered by immense clusters of velvety daisy-like flowers for their entire growing season. These bright and bushy plants have an amazing kick of contrasting colors. The blossoms may be white,...

Primula Primer

By Tamara Galbraith Tackling the entire world of primulas in a few paragraphs is like taking on the Pittsburgh Steelers-you’d be outnumbered and overwhelmed quickly. But looking at the basics of this colorful, cool weather favorite is certainly worthwhile. Primula vulgaris-also commonly known as the perennial primrose-blooms mostly during the spring, although in warmer climates and indoors it will...