Garden Q & A


Garden Q & A

  What is the best way to get rid of slugs and snails? Answer: First, make sure you have slugs and snails, not earwigs (pincher bugs). The best way to tell is if you see shiny snail trails around the garden. Sprinkle pet-safe snail bait around

Garden Q&A

  What’s the difference between chewing, rasping and sucking insects? Answer: The mouthparts of insects have adapted over time to suit the feeding style of each type of insect. Mouth parts differ from insect to insect, so the damage that

Garden Q & A: November 19th, 2015

  What Is Humic Acid? Answer: Humic acid is a complex organic acid that is present in soil, peat, and coal, formed from the decomposition of vegetation matter. It is responsible for much of the color of surface water. Because of its vegetative

Garden Q & A

  How often should I add mulch to my garden and how much should I use? Answer: Most types of mulch take a few years to break down and decompose. How much you use-and how often-depends on why you are using it. If you are just looking

Garden Q & A

Common Mistakes Made by the New Gardener 1. Planting too deep: All trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals (that means everything) should be planted at the same level as they were in the container they came out of. Having said that, there may be an

Garden Q & A

  What do the numbers on a bag of fertilizer mean? Answer: The numbers on a bag of fertilizer are called the “guaranteed analysis.” They represent the percentages of the three key ingredients in (most) fertilizers, which are

Garden Q & A

  What does the term “systemic” mean on a chemical label? Answer: “Systemic” is a term that refers to a chemical that can be absorbed by a plant through the foliage or root system. Systemic insecticides not only kill

Garden Q & A

  How do I know if I have bad drainage? Answer: First, your plants won’t look happy. (Surprise) The foliage will look dull and lack the luster and intense color of a healthy plant. If it is a blooming plant, it may produce few blooms or

Garden Q & A

  Does mulching grass clippings into the lawn increase the build-up of thatch? Answer: Most homeowners bag lawn clippings because they think that the clippings add to the buildup of thatch. This is not true. Clippings that remain on the lawn

Garden Q & A

  How often should I water the plants in the ground in my garden? The simple answer would be however often it takes to keep your soil moist but not wet. As a rule, the hotter it gets, the more you will have to water. In the cooler months, you