Gardening can be a tremendously enjoyable and rewarding activity. But it can also be the source of accidents, many of which can be preventable. Most accidents happen when gardeners take shortcuts, lack the skill or training to do a job
Trying to think of things to keep your kids busy over the summer? Summer is a great time to “sow” the love of gardening in them by engaging them in some fun summer projects. Build a Living House Help your child construct a house
Caterpillars, loopers, and worms, especially green loopers, tomato hornworms, and cabbage worms, are hated by many gardeners. If necessary, control them with BT. However, butterflies, with the possible exception of the white cabbage
• When planting a new perennial garden, prepare the soil well at the outset. That may be your only opportunity to loosen the soil, remove rocks, and add organic matter. Be sure to work rock phosphate or some other source of phosphorus down
When spring finally rolls around, it brings with it beautiful blossoms, fresh air, warmer temperatures…and bugs! Ants, gnats, aphids - none of which are pleasant. Ah, but spring also gives us ladybugs, which are the best-known
Many of us like to push the limits a bit on plants we grow, hoping one that is not quite suited for our area will survive the winter. So we’ve usually got a few that aren’t as cold-hardy as they should be. As the winter nights
A great way to shake off the winter blues and get a jump on spring is to start plants from seed indoors. It’s not only fun and easy to do but also rewarding, since it allows home gardeners the opportunity to grow plant varieties that
By Tamara Galbraith So, the weekend comes, you’ve got a Gardening To-Do List as long as your arm…and the weather is miserable. Fortunately for gardeners, there’s always a side project waiting-or an inside chore that
by Tamara Galbraith Attention:If you received an amaryllis as a gift over the holidays, or bought one for yourself…don’t throw that bulb away when the flower stalk becomes withered and ugly! With a little coddling, you can enjoy
By Tamara Galbraith 1. Try something new: Are you a rose lover? An orchid expert? Or maybe you only grow edibles. At any rate, diversity is a good thing. Take a journey — however brief — down another avenue of gardening. Try a