Many of us like to push the limits a bit on plants we grow, hoping one that is not quite suited for our area will survive the winter. So we’ve usually got a few that aren’t as cold-hardy as they should be. As the winter nights
There’s nothing that says Christmas quite like the fragrance of a fresh-cut Christmas tree. Somehow, scented candles and air fresheners just don’t have the same natural aroma. Selecting and bringing home a fresh-cut tree is just a
Purchase poinsettias early in the month. Protect new landscape plants from wind damage. Prune hardy dormant deciduous trees, shrubs, and vines, if you haven’t already done so. Prune fall and winter-blooming shrubs and vines after bloom.
Fresh holiday greens such as wreaths and garlands have a definite life span, but with the following tips you can keep them looking good so you can enjoy their wonderful scent and beauty throughout the holiday season. If you aren’t
Cover strawberry beds with 2″ of straw (not hay). This will protect the plants from cold and winds, control weeds and warm the soil earlier in the spring. Clean up all fallen leaves from blueberry beds, then add a 2″
As we put summer behind and begin to ready ourselves for winter, we often forget that the beauty left behind outdoors can often be moved indoors. The choices are plentiful and the lighting indoors is bright but not too hot-perfect for
So, you’ve made your annual fall pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch and you’ve brought your acquisitions home. You’ve carved some jack-o’-lanterns and even made a few pumpkin pies (from scratch, yet!). Ho, hum -
Annuals quickly provide more color in the landscape for longer periods of time than any other garden plants. They are versatile, sturdy and inexpensive. Fall is a great time to plant winter-blooming annuals because the still-warm soil will
The first, and most important thing you can do if you have a hurricane coming at you is to take it seriously. The best time for a hurricane party is AFTER you have survived it. Here is a good checklist from The National Hurricane Center -
One of the great things about the fall season is that it presents the opportunity to enjoy the vivid color of chrysanthemums, helping gardeners to achieve four-season interest in their gardens. Chrysanthemum flowers are also a favorite of