

Safe Gardening Practices

  Gardening can be a tremendously enjoyable and rewarding activity. But it can also be the source of accidents, many of which can be preventable. Most accidents happen when gardeners take shortcuts, lack the skill or training to do a job

Combating Blackspot Disease

  Rose lovers are a breed onto themselves, because one cannot simply stick a rose plant into the ground, walk away, and expect perfect blooms year after year. They take work, but if you are a true rosarian, the results are worth the effort. The

Dealing with Powdery Mildew

  By Tamara Galbraith When it’s summertime and you’re working on a tan, your plants may begin to take on a pale and pasty look. What gives? Say hello to the fungus disease known as powdery mildew. A common condition found on plant

Drying Hydrangea Blooms

  Have you ever wished you could enjoy the beauty of hydrangea blooms year-round? I know, there are always silks-right? Actually there’s a very simple way to preserve hydrangea blooms so that you can enjoy them in your home at any

Caring for Your Holiday Greenery

  Fresh holiday greens such as wreaths and garlands have a definite life span, but with the following tips you can keep them looking good so you can enjoy their wonderful scent and beauty throughout the holiday season. If you aren’t

Avoid Accidents in the Garden

  Gardening can be a tremendously enjoyable and rewarding activity. But it can also be the source of accidents, many of which can be preventable. Most accidents happen when gardeners take shortcuts, lack the skill or training to do a job

Garden Safety: Lifting Heavy Items

  Gardening can give you a great workout, especially when you incorporate all the weight lifting that comes from schlepping plants, packaged soil, mulch and wheelbarrow loads of garden clippings. It can also lead to injury or muscle soreness if

Caring for Japanese Maples

  Many homeowners purchase a beautiful Japanese maple in spring only to bring in burnt and damaged leaves in summer, worried that their investment is about to part ways with their yard. The tree isn’t dying - it’s just
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Hurricane Preparation Tips

The first, and most important thing you can do if you have a hurricane coming at you is to take it seriously. The best time for a hurricane party is AFTER you have survived it. Here is a good checklist from The National Hurricane Center - and

Lifting Smart in the Garden

Gardening can give you a great workout, especially when you incorporate all the weight lifting that comes from schlepping plants, packaged soil, mulch and wheelbarrow loads of garden clippings. It can also lead to injury or muscle soreness if done