Seeds for Flower and Vegetable Transplants

Although February is too soon for planting all summer flowers and vegetables in the ground, itโ€™s certainly not too early for planting seeds. Ambitious gardeners

Rose Pruning

Roses must be pruned every year to maintain vigorous growth and to keep them flowering well. The best time to prune is while they are

Winter Pruning

So, itโ€™s the middle of winter and temperatures have risen to a balmy level. As a gardener, youโ€™re itching to get out and work in

Planning a Garden the Kids Will Like

Not all plants are created equal in the eyes of children. Although they donโ€™t differentiate when it comes to flowers and vegetables or annuals and

Deer Dinner Guests?

Are you tired of serving up a nightly buffet of your prized garden plants to your neighborhood deer? Short of completely fencing in you yard,

Designing A Drought Tolerant Garden

When most people think about drought tolerant landscaping they conjure up images of rock, cactus, and succulents. And while they can have a place in