Rose Care in Spring

Proper spring rose care will help you ensure a glorious blooming season. One of the most important parts of rose care is pruning. Why should

ROOT ROT Houseplants

One neednโ€™t be a professional gardener to appreciate a houseful of greenery. In fact, most of us are stumbling along, learning a bit more each

Aerating Lawns

Your lawn needs to breathe, just as we do. We frequently forget that plants incorporate oxygen into their life cycles, just as we do. So,

Healthful Gardening Practices

Gardening can be a great form of healthful exercise. Depending on the intensity of your garden work, you can get quite a good workout. All

Waterside Gardening

Watering properly is one of the best ways to ensure you have a beautiful lawn and garden, and will help lower your water bill as

Dormant Spraying Fruit Trees

If you havenโ€™t already done so, make sure to protect your fruit trees from pests and disease by applying a dormant spray to them. Most


Now is the time to prepare your soil to plant wildflowers. You may plant successfully through early November. Plant at this time and you will

Be a Deadheader

Summerโ€™s in full swing, and your previously glorious flowers are starting to look a little ragged around the edges. Many plants will benefit-and even rebloom-after

Summer Watering Tips

When the weather is hot and dry and there is no measurable rain, even rookie gardeners are aware that most plants will not survive without