Many gardeners give up on their roses in the summer, believing they produce quality flowers only in the spring. Rose blossoms do tend to be smaller in the summer and the colors not quite as vivid because the summer heat forces the blooms to open
Proper spring rose care will help you ensure a glorious blooming season. One of the most important parts of rose care is pruning. Why should we prune roses? Because pruning encourages new growth and bloom, improves air circulation, and
It’s that time of year again when all of us who are in a relationship become fixated on palpably parading our affections; Valentine’s Day should be a celebration of our love, and whether we’re celebrating our sweethearts,
Winter is a good time to plan your rose garden. Perhaps your garden isn’t properly zoned, and you have roses, heavy water users, growing next to drought-resistant plants. Winter is a good time for moving roses to a better spot. Prepare new
Proper spring rose care will help you ensure a glorious blooming season. One of the most important parts of rose care is pruning. Why should we prune roses? Because pruning encourages new growth and bloom, improves air circulation, and helps to
Rose lovers are a breed onto themselves, because one cannot simply stick a rose plant into the ground, walk away, and expect perfect blooms year after year. They take work, but if you are a true rosarian, the results are worth the effort. The
Why should we prune roses? Because pruning encourages new growth and bloom, improves air circulation, and helps to shape the plant. It also brings you up close and personal with your plants, giving you warning to wash off aphids with a water blast
The rose is a symbol of love, hope, joy, passion, remembrance, and condolence. No flower has been the subject of plays, songs and poems more than the rose. The history of the rose goes far back. The Greeks revered the red rose as having come from
Winter is a good time to plan your rose garden. Perhaps your garden isn’t properly zoned, and you have roses, heavy water users, growing next to drought-resistant plants. Winter is a good time for moving roses to a better spot. Prepare new
Many gardeners give up on their roses in the summer, believing they produce quality flowers only in the spring. Rose blossoms do tend to be smaller in the summer and the colors not quite as vivid because the summer heat forces the blooms to open