The term “soil” is commonly used by all of us. However, we think that the average interpretation and understanding of the word “soil ” are highly variable. “Soil: the top layer of the earth’s surface,
When the soil under a lawn becomes compacted from foot traffic or heavy equipment, it loses its springy texture and becomes hard as a rock. Water puddles or runs off, lack of air to the roots causes the turf to deteriorate in appearance and vigor;
Many people garden successfully without ever testing their soil, but they are probably fortunate in gardening on ground that is not deficient in nutrients, is neither too acidic nor too alkaline, and receives plenty of nutrients anyway as part of
If your soil presents specific problems to do with its structure, (being wet or very dry, for example) rather than expend great quantities of energy trying to bring it closer to the norm, you can always copy nature and grow those plants that would
Why don’t people use cow manure as much nowadays? Answer: Because it’s smelly and no fun to handle! Actually, steer manure has always been considered a good cheap fertilizer, and many old timers still swear by it. The problem is