Have you ever wished you could enjoy the beauty of hydrangea blooms year-round? I know, there are always silks-right? Actually there’s a very simple way to preserve hydrangea blooms so that you can enjoy them in your home at any
Even in areas not suffering from drought, making a water-wise garden makes good sense. Unless you have your own well, water costsy. You can save quite a bit of money by using less of it. Here are some tips: * First, when looking at new
Watering properly is one of the best ways to ensure you have a beautiful lawn and garden, and will help lower your water bill as well. Here are a few water-wise tips that can make a big impact on water savings and plant health. * First off, consider
When the weather is hot and dry and there is no measurable rain, even rookie gardeners are aware that most plants will not survive without regular watering. Unfortunately, just giving them a squirt with the water hose isn’t going to do much to