

Christmas Decorator Package at White’s Old Mill Garden Center!

White’s Christmas Decorator Package! Don’t Miss our Christmas Decorator Package Deal $115.00 Value for Just $75.00!! Package includes: One 6-7′ Fresh-Cut Fraser Fir Christmas Tree Two 8″ Poinsettias with Covers One

Poinsettia Tours This Weekend at White’s Old Mill Garden Center!

  Come out to White’s for our Poinsettia Tours, Saturday, November 19th from 10am to 4pm and Sunday, November 20th from 12noon to 4pm! Take a wagon ride through our greenhouse and see thousands of poinsettias! Enjoy Warm Apple Cider and

Holiday Model Train Show at White’s Old Mill Garden Center!

  Holiday Model Train Show at White’s this Weekend! Come on out to White’s and enjoy some fun model train displays by Tidewater Big Train Operators in our greenhouse and winter wonderland. Great holiday settings and that good

Recycle Your Christmas Tree and Greens

  By Tamara Galbraith Soon, your once-fresh Christmas tree and greens will be moving from Christmas to crispness. No matter. When you’re ready to take down the decorations, explore all your options of how to reuse or recycle. Many

Fun Christmas Trivia

  • The first commercial Christmas cards were commissioned in London, in 1843, by Sir Henry Cole, with illustration by John Callcott Horsley. President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first official White House card in 1953. •

Gifts for Gardeners and Others

  By this time of year, many people are running out of gift ideas. Well, if you have a gardener (or a potential gardener) among your friends and family, we have a few ideas for you! You can always buy a plant for your gardener. And our holiday

Caring for Your Fresh-Cut Christmas Tree

  There’s nothing that says Christmas quite like the fragrance of a fresh-cut Christmas tree. Somehow, scented candles and air fresheners just don’t have the same natural aroma. Selecting and bringing home a fresh-cut tree is just a

Colorful Cyclamen for Your Home

  Nothing can fill a home with color like the beauty of cyclamen. Not only are they among the best winter-blooming plants but they perform exceptionally well indoors. You can use them in pots on tables, by the front door, or on a bright

Keep Your Holiday Greenery Looking Good

  Fresh holiday greens such as wreaths and garlands have a definite life span, but with the following tips you can keep them looking good so you can enjoy their wonderful scent and beauty throughout the holiday season. If you aren’t

Poinsettias: A Worldwide Holiday Tradition

  Poinsettias are a wonderful worldwide holiday tradition. In fact, next to a Christmas tree, nothing else says Christmas quite like poinsettias. Displayed alone or in groups, they can add a festive splash of color to every décor. From a