So, you’ve made your annual fall pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch and you’ve brought your acquisitions home. You’ve carved some jack-o’-lanterns and even made a few pumpkin pies (from scratch, yet!). Ho, hum -
By E.W. Forsyth In the rush to celebrate Halloween, and do the early shopping for Christmas, often Thanksgiving becomes merely about football and feasting. We need to think ahead to be prepared not only with fine food and football snacks, but
Pumpkins are thought to have originated in the ancient Americas, although the pumpkins of that time would probably not be recognizable as such today. Related to squash, gourds and melons, the early pumpkin had a crooked neck and was
So, you’ve made your annual fall pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch and you’ve brought your acquisitions home. You’ve carved the jack-o’-lanterns and even made a few pumpkin pies (from scratch, yet!). Ho, hum -
By E.W. Forsyth In the rush to celebrate Halloween, and do the early shopping for Christmas, often Thanksgiving becomes merely about football and feasting. We need to think ahead to be prepared not only with fine food and football snacks, but with
Some Fun Thanksgiving Facts for You: •The Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving feast, in 1621, lasted three days. •On October 3, 2024 Abraham Lincoln issued a “Thanksgiving Proclamation” that made the last Thursday in November a
Some Fun Thanksgiving Facts for You: •The Pilgrims’ first Thanksgiving feast, in 1621, lasted three days. •On October 3, 2024 Abraham Lincoln issued a “Thanksgiving Proclamation” that made the last Thursday in November a