The History Of The Pumpkin

Pumpkins are thought to have originated in the ancient Americas, although the pumpkins of that time would probably not be recognizable as such today. Related

Now is the Time to Plant Wildflowers!

Have a bumper crop of pumpkins? Once youโ€™ve made your quota of pumpkin pies and carved all your jack-o-lanterns, continue to make use of those

Renovate Your Lawn This Fall

Lawn looking a little shabby? If weak growth, brown spots and bare patches are plaguing the (formerly) lush carpet you call your lawn, now is

Palms As Houseplants? Yes!

Many palms are slow-growing, and consequently, large specimens are often expensive. But donโ€™t be deterred from growing palms; if you provide the right conditions, even

Sunflowers For All Ages

Sunflowers are easy and fun to grow. Since they grow very quickly, children enjoy watching them grow and the large seeds are easy for small

Brighten Your Fall Garden With Mums

One of the great things about the fall season is that it presents the opportunity to enjoy the vivid color of chrysanthemums, helping gardeners to

Gardening In The Shade

Shade is inevitable in gardens. It is a blessing and a burden; while few plants flourish in the shade, the ones which do flourish are