Trivia Question for This Week at White’s Nur...

  This Week’s Question: If you pop a fruit cultivar called ‘Muller Thurgau’ in your mouth, what did you just eat? A. Apple B. Blueberry C. Grape D. Pear E. Strawberry   This Week’s Prize: $10 Gift Certificate   Click Here to Answer   Last Week’s Question: If you are using Viscum album in decorating your house this month, what do you have? A. Poinsettia B. Holly C....

Trivia Question this Week at White’s Nursery...

    This Week’s Question: If you are using Viscum album in decorating your house this month, what do you have? A. Poinsettia B. Holly C. Christmas Cactus D. Mistletoe E. Amaryllis This Week’s Prize: $10 Gift Certificate Click Here to Answer Last Week’s Question: According to an old English rhyme, the thickness of what vegetable skin can help predict a rough winter? A. Potato B. Garlic C. Onion D....

Featured Recipe: Oven-Roasted Vegetables

What you need: •1/2 medium zucchini, cut into bite-size pieces •1/2 medium summer squash, cut into bite-size pieces •1/2 medium red bell pepper, cut into bite-size pieces •1/2 medium yellow bell pepper, cut into bite-size pieces •1/2 pound fresh asparagus, cut into bite-size pieces •1/2 red onion •1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil •1/2 teaspoon salt •1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Step by...

Quote of the Week: Andy Rooney, December 15th, 201...

“The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature.” ~ Andy Rooney