There’s nothing that says Christmas quite like the fragrance of a fresh cut Christmas tree. Somehow, scented candles and air fresheners just don’t have the same natural aroma. Selecting and bringing home a fresh cut tree is just a natural part of the holiday tradition.
You can get the most out of your holiday tree by following a few simple guidelines.
- When selecting your fresh cut tree, gently stroke the branches or pick up the tree a few inches and bounce the cut end on the ground; few needles should fall if the tree is fresh and has been properly cared for.
- Make sure to get the right size tree so you don’t have to do a lot of pruning.
- Measure the height of your ceilings and the width of the space you plan to display your tree in.
- Remember that a tree doesn’t need to be perfectly even if displayed in a corner.
- Once you bring the tree home, cut another inch off the base before setting the tree in its water stand. (We do this for you if you buy from us!) This will help the tree take up water more easily.
- Immediately fill the stand with water after setting up.
- Make sure to check the stand’s basin daily and add water as needed.
- Display your tree away from heat sources such as heater vents, fireplaces, stereos and television sets which can promote premature drying.
- Above all else, make sure you use only Christmas lights with a UL seal of approval. LEDs are best, as they produce very little heat.
- Inspect your lights each year for excessive wear such as frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in the insulation, broken or cracked sockets, and excessive kinking before putting them up.
- Never use candles near a tree.
- Remember to turn lights off before going to bed or when the tree is unattended.
- Finally, make sure to use non-flammable decorations on your tree. Homemade paper ornaments are cute, but hang them somewhere else in the house for all to see.
Have a safe and Merry Christmas!