Color Breathing Dragons

Want to scare the blahs from your flower beds and containers? Pick up some colorful snapdragons.

A member of the foxglove family, ‘Antirrhinum’ is usually grown as an annual, but can perennialize in some warmer climates. Wherever you are, snapdragons will provide a burst of bright color in the garden.

Snapdragons are popular with kids, who enjoy pinching the flowers and making the “dragon mouth” open and close. The flowers are slightly fragrant and range in color from flaming red and vibrant pink to brilliant bronze and bright white. They are also available in a variety of sizes: a tall 2′-3′ variety is good for the back of the border, while shorter types brighten up bed fronts. Or you can plant them in containers to liven up a dull patio. Whatever type you choose, be sure to give it lots of sun and fairly fertile, moist soil.

On a final note: the biggest enemy of snapdragons isn’t a sword-wielding knight, it’s rust; check your plants often and be prepared to spray them with an organic fungicide at the first signs of disease.