A couple of flats of celosia can bring distinction to your borders and edges. Situated in mass plantings, these lovelies will bring texture and colors to your gardens all summer long.
Our summer climate is perfect for celosia as they love hot sun. While they are drought-tolerant once established, give them a worthy welcoming with moist soil and compost.
Ranging in height from 6″ to 36″ the taller varieties provide lasting pleasure when dried, which is easily accomplished by picking them before the flowers are fully opened, and hanging them upside down in a cool, dark place. Those of you who hesitate to plant annuals due to their shorter life spans, take note: celosias bring texture, color and longevity, all in one plant!
There are two vastly different varieties of celosia. The aptly-named “Cockscomb” is a velvety-crested rippled type, while the “Amaranth” offers soft and fluffy feathery plumes. We presently have (pictured above) ‘Dark Caracas” celosia, one of the most sought-after of the cockscomb type.