Container Gardens: Trees and Shrubs

A tree or a shrub can create a delightful focal point in your patio garden design.

Many of our gardens have at least one specimen plant, usually a tree but sometimes a shrub. A specimen plant is one that is eye-catching, beautiful, often architectural in form, and can stand alone in a yard or garden. Such specimen plants do not only have to reside in the ground. You can bring one or more onto your patios, decks or balconies and create the same visual effect.

Many smaller scale patio trees are absolutely wonderful specimens, and they can remain perfectly happy living in a container. Ficus Benjamina, the Weeping Fig, is not the only tree that we can have on our patios! Even if you don’t have a backyard, you can still have a tree on your patio.

Also, many people forget to consider shrubs for their containers. Many of our shrubs are just as happy and healthy in a container as in the ground. How simple it is to bring foliage and flower color into your patio gardens! Just pick your favorite shrub and design your patio garden around its color and form.

And you know what else is great? You can prune many shrubs into an open tree form, creating a beautiful specimen piece. Try this technique with a camellia or azalea. They are beautiful in an open graceful form, like an oriental painting.

Now, you may be tempted to plant flowers at the base of your tree. They will add color but their roots will compete with the root system space of your new tree or shrub. Instead try this — mulch using colored landscape glass, stones in your favorite colors and textures, or bark. You will be delighted with the impact, especially using colorful landscape glass or stones!

Of course, container selection is very important — it must be large enough for the plant’s future root system growth. Potting soil and fertilizers are also very important. Select a high quality potting mix, and do not forget to mix in a controlled release fertilizer. Also, remember that moisture retention is frequently a problem with containers, so mix in a soil polymer that will hold on to the moisture between watering.

We’ll match you up with the correct products once you’ve selected your tree and/or shrub.

Well, what are you waiting for? Summer is around the bend and it is time to decorate your outdoor living space. Come on in “Patio Daddy-os”! We’ll be looking for you in our tree and shrub section.