December Garden Tips

  • Protect new landscape plants from wind damage.
  • Prune fall and winter-blooming shrubs and vines after bloom. Do not prune spring-blooming plants.
  • Water living Christmas trees.
  • Make sure outside plants have adequate soil moisture. Plants need moisture in winter, too.
  • Check stored bulbs for rot or fungus. Discard any that have problems.
  • Make holiday decorations from outdoor shrubs and trees.
  • Donโ€™t forget to turn your compost pile.
  • Tie up limbs of evergreens to prevent snow or ice breakage.
  • Start planning your spring garden!

Indoor Houseplant tips

  • Monitor houseplants for adequate water, fertilizer and humidity. Water and fertilizer requirements generally are less in winter; do not feed dormant houseplants at all.
  • Monitor houseplants for pests. Treat any problems frequently and quickly.
  • Buy poinsettias early! Their long lasting blooms will still be going strong long after the holidays and you will find more variety earlier in the month.