When the soil under a lawn becomes compacted from foot traffic or heavy equipment, it loses its springy texture and becomes hard as a rock. Water puddles or runs off, lack of air to the roots causes the turf to deteriorate in appearance and vigor; and the lawn often develops thin or bare patches. The best time to correct this condition is early-mid spring or in the fall. Then follow these simple steps:
- Mow the lawn, then make holes in the sod by running a rented aeration machine over it. Or do the job by hand with a aerating tool made for the purpose. Note: Make sure and use a coring tool that actually leaves behind soil plugs.
- Do not rake up the plugs. They contain beneficial organisms that actually feed on the thatch layer controlling helping to reduce its buildup.
- Spread granulated gypsum according to package directions.
- Apply a complete lawn fertilizer.
- Cover with ¼ inch of organic top dressing.
- When the soil or thatch is hydrophobic (so dry it sheds water), apply a liquid soil penetrant.
- Follow up by watering deeply.