The Flag That Couldn’t Fly

The flag pictured above couldn’t fly, but it flew anyway-from inbox to inbox and heart to heart-in the summer of 2002. Many of you may have seen it before.

The 2002 floral flag in Lompoc, CA was 740′ wide and 390′ high. It was planted by the Bodger Seed Company, as a tribute for the Flag Day (June 14) after September 11, 2001. The flag took up 6.65 acres. Each star was 24′ in diameter and each was stripe 30′ wide. It was made up of an estimated 400,000 Larkspur plants and more than 2 million flowers.

So, why are we mentioning it now? Well, this coming Monday is Memorial Day, and we’ve got another Flag Day coming up on June 14th…and then there’s Independence Day on July 4th. We thought some of you might like to do some red, white and blue plantings.

We have to admit that if you intend to reproduce the flag above, we might run a little short. But for anything else, we’ve got plenty of red, white, and blue flowering plants of many varieties. We’ve got them for planting, we’ve got them in containers, and we’ve got them in hanging baskets. So, if you want some red, white and blue, come on in! We’ve got all you need.