Even if you donโt particularly like them, youโve got to admit that ants are fascinating creatures. Theyโve certainly stood the test of time: they have been around for a mere 110-130 million years and have colonized almost every landmass on earth. They employ the concept of division of labor, they communicate amongst themselves and they have demonstrated an ability to solve many a complex problem. Like people, they sometimes perform good deeds and sometimes…not so much.
One not-so-good thing they do (from a human perspective, that is) is make life really easy for aphids, mealybugs and scale. Those little guys are the ones that suck the life juices out of our most prized possessions-our plants! Even though this is really irritating, the complex relationship between ants and these three villains is still pretty amazing.
Hereโs how it goes: aphids, mealybugs and scale just love to feed on the juices of plants. As they are voraciously feeding on the plants, they are also secreting a sugary, sticky liquid called honeydew. Ants love honeydew. Even though a large amount of honeydew is being secreted as these insects feed, it is not fast enough for the hungry ants. They begin to “milk” the insects for more, by stroking them with their antennae.
In the meantime, to protect their precious honeydew, the ants are also busily warding off predatory (to their honeydew-makers) insects such as lady bugs and lacewings. Many times, the ants will take aphid “slaves.” When migrating to a new area, they take aphids with them to ensure a continued supply of honeydew. Some ants go above and beyond, storing the aphid eggs in their nests over the winter, then carrying the newly-hatched aphids back to a plant for them to feed on in the spring.
So, next time you wonder why there are ants on your plant and if they are eating the plant, our advice is this: look for the root cause of the problem. Chances are, where there are ants on plants, you will see a sticky residue and one of their BFFโs-aphids, mealybugs or scale. The good news is: we can help you solve the problem and restore your plant back to health! Just visit us for a solution!