Gardening can give you a great workout, especially when you incorporate all the weight lifting that comes from schlepping plants, packaged soil, mulch and wheelbarrow loads of garden clippings. It can also lead to injury or muscle soreness if done incorrectly, so it’s very important to lift smart when gardening.
When lifting heavy items, squat down, get a firm grip and lift using your legs, not your back! By lifting with your leg muscles you’ll gain more lifting power and save yourself a trip to the chiropractor. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if something looks too heavy; it’s a smart way to save yourself from injury.
Use a wheelbarrow as much as possible when hauling bags of mulch, rocks or large plants from your car to your garden. With packaged soils, either empty bags from your car directly into the wheelbarrow and shovel it out where needed, or haul the bags to the work site in the wheelbarrow, cut the bags open lengthwise and then dump them where they are needed.
Lifting or carrying heavy rocks or plants can place a real strain on the back and shoulders. Try tipping your wheelbarrow forward as close to the plant container or root ball as possible. Gently roll or rotate the plant into the wheelbarrow and then bring the wheelbarrow to a standing position. Then simply take it to the planting site and reverse the process.
Remember to prepare the hole first. Then all you have to do is remove the container and slip the plant into the hole. With ball and burlap plants, you can roll them directly into the hole and then cut the rope and excess burlap. This will help protect the plant roots as well as minimize the stress on your body.
Remember to pace yourself and listen to your body. It will tell when you when it has had enough and it’s time to quit. Doing one project at a time will help to keep you from overworking. Don’t forget to stretch when you are done to help reduce muscle soreness. Then go treat yourself to a nice bath or shower and a great meal. After all, gardening should have its rewards!