Gardening Tips for November

  1. Transplant landscape trees and shrubs.
  2. Plant a basket of narcissus for holiday bloom.
  3. Protect built-in sprinkler systems: drain the system, insulate the valve mechanisms.
  4. Tie limbs of upright evergreens to prevent breakage by snow or ice.
  5. Open up spaces in dense trees to allow wind to pass through.
  6. Rake and destroy leaves from fruit trees that were diseased this year. Remove mummified fruit.
  7. Prune acacias.
  8. Cut back chrysanthemums after bloom; clean up the ground.
  9. Plant window garden of lettuce, chives, parsley.
  10. .Plant shrubs and trees that supply winter food and shelter to birds.
  11. Water bulbs, especially potted ones.
  12. Bait flower beds for cutworms, slugs and snails.
  13. Stake young trees loosely so they can develop strong trunks.
  14. Wrap the trunks of young trees with an insulating material to protect them from cold.
  15. Mulch, mulch, and mulch some more.