By this time of year, many people are running out of gift ideas. Well, if you have gardeners (or a potential gardeners) among your friends and family, we have a few ideas for you!
You can always buy a plant or two for your gardener. But that’s too easy-let’s be a little more creative.
If you know a fellow gardener who would like food plants but just can’t resist those beautiful flowers and decorative plants, plan a decorative food garden for him/her! Many vegetables and herbs have lovely flowers or foliage. Ornamental kale, for instance, is often grown simply as an ornamental but it is both pretty and nutritious. Many herbs have not only pretty flowers but also edible flowers! Plan and design the garden, slip a gift card to your favorite garden center (Whites, we hope!) into the plans, and you’ve got the perfect garden gift.
Some herbs grow well inside, too; you might also consider designing and planting a decorative herb planter for the kitchen. Pretty, and nicely fragrant as well!
A gardening book can rarely go wrong. You might want to buy them something about an aspect of gardening that they haven’t tried yet. Do they have limited space? Perhaps a book on bonsai or espalier and a starter plant or two would be just the thing.
And of course, we have cards, garden decor, ornaments, decorative holiday baskets, gifts from our gift shop - and lots more!
If you still are looking for ideas, we invite you to come in and look around-we’re sure you’ll find some here! You may even find some great gifts for non-gardeners!