How can I get my poinsettias to re-bloom next year?

Ways to develop a colorful poinsettias to re-bloom

  • Fertilize your plant every two weeks after the blooming season with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer. Continue through August.
  • By March or early April, when the colored bracts begin to turn or fall, cut the plant back, leaving 4 to 6 buds.
  • Re-pot into a slightly larger container (2-3 inches larger in diameter).
  • Keep the plant indoors near (not directly in) a sunny window or outdoors in a morning sun-afternoon shade location. Water and fertilize regularly, and by the end of May you should see vigorous new growth.
  • Make sure to turn the plant so that the new growth grows evenly on all sides.
  • If you have been growing them outdoors in the summer, when fall comes bring your poinsettia indoors to a sunny location before night temperatures fall below 55-60°F at night. Check for pests and diseases and place the poinsettia in a south window.
  • Poinsettias begin to set buds and produce flowers as the nights become longer.
  • Beginning October 1, keep your plants in complete darkness for 14 continuous hours each night by moving it into a dark room or placing a large box over it.
  • During the day, allow 6-8 hours of bright sunlight. Flowers should mature in 60-85 days.
  • Continue this for 8-10 weeks, and your poinsettias should develop a colorful display of holiday blooms!