The proper way to install a plant
Most plants will benefit from being planted with the top of the root ball at the existing soil level-not the top of the container it came from.
If a plant is installed too high, it will dry out faster, scalding the top of the root ball and stressing the plant out to the point of requiring therapy and potentially expensive medication. Just think how you would feel if the top of your feet were scalded-and you’ll understand how important this is.
On the other hand, installing a plant too deep can slowly rot the roots and eventually kill the plant. Most plants that are planted too deep will have a dark soil ring stain around the base of the trunk or crown of the plant. The roots will also emit a most malodorous aroma that no amount of antiperspirant can remedy. It’s what the plant would call “payback” for planting it too deep. (Please note: there are some exceptions, such as tomatoes, that prefer being planted deeply.)