The first, and most important thing you can do if you have a hurricane coming at you is to take it seriously. The best time for a hurricane party is AFTER you have survived it.
Here is a good checklist from The National Hurricane Center - and some “what to do” advice from FEMA here.
Some extra tips from a survivor.
- If you are in a low-lying area and there is any chance of storm surge - get out. Secure your home and leave. ASAP. Before they tell you to evacuate. Getting stuck in a 10-hour traffic jam with a hurricane coming at you is no fun.
- Likewise if you have people with special needs-especially ones that depend on electricity. Get out. Visit some relatives, take a long weekend…just get out. There are usually shelters for special needs but you don’t want to have to use them. As above, secure your home and leave. ASAP.
- If you don’t have hurricane shutters go get lumber now to board up, because there won’t be any left later.
- Fill your car(s) with gas, because gas will become scarce too.
- Same with water and non-perishable food, batteries, gas cans, flashlights/hurricane lamps and so forth. Go now. You can always use them later if the hurricane veers off.
- If you are “sheltering in place” during a hurricane, stay inside. Those broadcasters out in the storm with everything blowing around them are nuts. Don’t follow their example.
And good luck, from one who’s been there.