Knockout Roses

Knockout roses are the answer for every gardener who loves roses but doesn’t want to hassle with their maintenance. They maintain a continuous show of color from mid-spring to fall, with beautiful foliage almost year round. The plants are compact and upright growing, with more winter hardiness and shade tolerance. Best of all, they thrive in humid areas where most other roses need spray maintenance.

They can be planted almost anywhere. They grow 3-4′ tall and equally wide. They can be used as single specimens, as hedges, in mixed plantings or en-masse for sweeps of color; you can even plant them in containers. Unlike traditional roses, they can bloom in moderate shade.

Knockout roses have been bred to be “chemical free” so no pesticides are needed. Naturally resisting rust, mildew, blackspot, Japanese beetles and rose midge, they should perform extremely well in any American garden, tolerating extremes from cold Wisconsin nights to hot Florida days.

There are several varieties and colors of Knockout roses. All of them are easy to grow, and they adapt well to most growing conditions.