Holland has given us many spectacular flowers, but few so lovely as the Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’, which brashly bears chartreuse green flowers that thrive to zone 3 and hold their color until autumn, when they delight with a display of rich deep mauve/pink blooms. Accompanying its upright, rounded shape, its sturdy stems hold flower panicles of good size ranging from 6 to 12 inches. This show-stopper is a rapid and reliable grower to 8 feet in height with a 6 foot spread. The leaves, different from those of most hydrangeas, sport a mid-green color that offsets nicely the lime green of the flowers.
The 2008 Royal Horticulture Society at Wisley Gardens “Award of Garden Merit” winner, the ‘Limelight’ has a curriculum vitae filled with commendations. In 2007 the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers awarded it the “Fresh Cut Flower of the Year” award; also in 2007 the University of Georgia named it the “Knock Your Socks Off” winner; in both 2007 and 2005 the Garden Design included it in their “Way Hot 100”; and in 2006 the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society named it the “Gold Medal Plant”.
These reliables are not as finicky about soil pH as some of their brethren; they prefer good, loamy soil, and are tolerant of drought. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer specialized for trees and shrubs, and prune in late fall or early spring.
The ‘Limelight’ is a multi-tasking plant; it’s good in groupings and masses, in perennial and shrub borders, as a specimen screen, or even as a hedge. In containers, it provides a striking thrill when used either in the back or the middle, adding height and drama. As it has a long bloom time, you can fill your home with armfuls of cut flowers, and when fall arrives, dry some of the blooms and leave the rest for autumn interest.
Green flowers being trendy at this time, this gardener is happy to give place of pride to a ‘Limelight’. Whether as cut flowers, or graceful guardians of your home’s entryway, they offer year-round pleasure, as dried hydrangeas will last throughout the year. Just cut them, remove the leaves, and put them in a vase filled partially with water. As the water evaporates, the flowers will dry, retaining their oh-so-unique shape until the following summer provides you with new growth.
We have a great selection of these and other beautiful hydrangeas, so don’t delay; come to our center and add some special color to your garden today.