Chrysanthemums are one of the staples of the fall garden. Their hardiness and color range make them perfect for both the landscape and container holiday arrangements.
These tough plants will thrive in less than ideal conditions, although they prefer full to partial sun and good, well drained soil. Their shallow root system dictates that they be watered often. Apply a balanced fertilizer on a regular basis.
After plants are done blooming, pinch or shear back so the mum will eventually develop a bushier shape. Once fall arrives again, don’t trim them anymore so buds can develop, and switch to a fertilizer higher in phosphorus to promote blooming.
Aphids are the main mum munchers. Other than those little beasts, mums experience little other insect damage.
Believe it or not, the one thing that can really affect the flowering of your mums is nighttime light, so do not plant them where they will be exposed to streetlights or foundation lighting. Like us humans, mums need a good night’s sleep to be at their best.