Be Plant-Wise For The Holidays

Celebrating the holidays surrounded by beloved children and pets always makes this time of year sweeter. But the little darlings sure can get into trouble when your back is turned, eh?

And that’s why it’s important to be aware of the plants you’ve got decorating your holiday setting each and every year. Little fingers like reaching for bright red berries, and curious puppies and kitties can eat anything and everything in sight, leaves and all. So let’s run down a few popular holiday plant choices and what you should watch out for:


For many years, this popular beauty was thought to be extremely toxic. However, recent studies have shown that, while ingestion isn’t recommended, it is not poisonous, although large amounts could give you a mild upset stomach. Keep it out of reach of curious kids and pets anyway; the sap can cause a skin rash on some who are sensitive to it (especially if you are allergic to latex; it shares some proteins with latex, so handle with care).


The greatest danger isn’t the pointy-sharp leaves (although those are a nuisance); it’s eating the bright red berries, which can result in extreme stomach and intestinal problems.

Amaryllis, Kalanchoe: 

Somewhat toxic, but large amounts would have to be eaten for real trouble to occur.

Jerusalem Cherry, Pyracantha, Bittersweet, Helleborus niger, Mistletoe, Laurel, Yew:

All are highly toxic (especially the berries, when present) and should definitely be kept well away from children and pets.

Be smart about other plants too, or at least, where you have them positioned. Toddlers with a penchant for trouble can eat potting soil containing toxic fertilizer, or pebbles just big enough to be choked on. Don’t put heavy plants where they could potentially fall on a child or pet. Watch out for dangling vines that kids or pets can pull on or get tangled in during a rambunctious moment…and you know the holidays bring plenty of those.