The holiday we now know as Presidents’ Day was originally established as a federal holiday in 1885 to recognize the birthday of President George Washington on February 22nd. Long before this, though, as early as 1796, people had begun celebrating him during his final year as President and continued up until the time the holiday was federalized.
The holiday was known as “Washington’s Birthday” up until 1971, when it was renamed (and moved to the 3rd Monday of February) as part of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act-an attempt to create more three-day weekends for the nation’s workers. Today, Presidents’ Day is a time to honor all of our nation’s presidents.
President George Washington was a perfect candidate to be the initial namesake of this holiday. It was created to honor the many accomplishments of one known, even in his own lifetime, as “The Father of our Country.” Because of his leadership during the founding of the nation, he was seen as a unifying force between the different factions represented in the new republic and was the Electoral College’s unanimous choice to become our first President. Even though he only served two terms as President before stepping down, many thought he could have served several more, with full support of the majority of voters.
As a general, Washington was widely celebrated. An experienced soldier, he fought in the French and Indian War (for King George III) and in the American Revolutionary War (against King George III). Washington created the first military medal, “The Badge of Military Merit” to be awarded to soldiers who exhibited “not only instances of unusual gallantry in battle, but also extraordinary fidelity and essential service in any way.” Today’s “Purple Heart” is the official successor to Washington’s earlier creation.
In 1999, two bills were introduced that sought to change the name back to “Washington’s Birthday.” By that time, people had become accustomed to thinking of the holiday as a time to celebrate all Presidents and the bill failed.
Take time this Presidents’ Day to reflect on all of the great Presidents our great country has elected. Happy Presidents’ Day!