Make a Pumpkin Vase for the Fall Table

So, you’ve made your annual fall pilgrimage to the pumpkin patch and you’ve brought your acquisitions home. You’ve carved the jack-o’-lanterns and even made a few pumpkin pies (from scratch, yet!). Ho, hum - there must be more to fall decorating than this, right?

You’re in luck-there is! With that same knife and scoop you used for the jack-o-lantern, you can create a professional centerpiece for the fall table! Here’s how:

Buy a small to medium-sized pumpkin that is tall enough to hold your bouquet.

  1. Using a knife, cut a circle around the stem the desired size of your future vase’s opening. Set aside the top for later use.
  2. Scoop out the pulp and seeds and scrape the inside of the pumpkin so it is smooth and clean.
  3. Set your pumpkin out to dry. Choose a well-aired spot out of the direct sun. Leave it there until the inside of the pumpkin feels dry; this may take a day or two.
  4. Cut a piece of florist’s foam small enough to fit through the hole at the top of the pumpkin; soak it well and place inside of the pumpkin cavityOR
  5. You can place an empty coffee can, margarine container or glass vase inside the cavity of the pumpkin (which will be filled with water) to hold the flowers. If choosing this method, make sure the receptacle is stable (possibly use some sand in the bottom of the pumpkin to create a nest for the container). The advantage of using this method would be that the inside of the pumpkin would be kept drier, preventing mold.
  6. Arrange your flowers as desired, sticking their stems in the florist’s foam (or container) for stability. Choose fall flowers such as chrysanthemums and asters combined with grasses, fall foliage and berries, if desired.
  7. Use the pumpkin top, more fall foliage and berries around your pumpkin vase to finish the look.

If your vase will be a centerpiece for a festive holiday dinner, why not add to the fun? Place a pumpkin sticker under one of the guest chairs. At the end of the meal, whoever sat in that chair gets to take the vase home!