Proper spring rose care will help you ensure a glorious blooming season. One of the most important parts of rose care is pruning.
Why should we prune roses? Because pruning encourages new growth and bloom, improves air circulation, and helps to shape the plant. It also brings you up close and personal with your plants, giving you warning to wash off aphids with a water blast at first sign.
Pruning time is often dictated by the blooming of the forsythia bush. If you havenโt any nearby forsythia bushes, watch instead for when the leaf buds begin to swell and redden on your rose plants. After pruning is the time to begin feeding and insect prevention.
Weโve answered the “why” of spring pruning, but now weโd like to deal with the specific needs of each class.
- For modern floribunda that bloom once on new growth, prune hard (1/2 to 2/3 of the plantโs height), removing old woody stems, and leaving 3 to 5 healthy canes evenly spaced around the plant. Cut these from 18-24″ inches to encourage continuous blooming.
- Hybrid teas and grandifloras also are new wood bloomers. Prune them in early spring by removing dead and weak wood in an open vase shape, removing center stems. Reduce the remaining stems down to 18 to 24 inches. Whenever possible, cut on a 45 degree angle.
- Ramblers bloom only once, on old wood, and may be pruned right after flowering to remove winter damage and dead wood, or to shape.
- Although climbing roses are repeat bloomers, the above should be followed for them as well.
- Modern shrub roses are repeat bloomers on mature-not old-woody stems. Donโt prune for the first two years, then each year remove one-third of the oldest canes.
- Bourbons will repeat bloom on both new and old wood. Prune to remove the dead wood prior to flowering; after the initial flowering you may perform a hard prune and shaping.
- Alba, centifolia, damask, gallica, and moss roses bloom only once, producing flowers on old wood; pruning is required only to remove dead wood and for shaping.
- Miniature roses require pruning only to shape.
When pruning is complete, carefully rake up and discard all pruned material, including leaves and old mulch, and toss all out with the trash; this will discourage diseases and insects.
If you have been troubled by fungus diseases on your roses, a spring spray of lime sulphur will kill the over-wintered spores of black spot and mildew.