Salad in a Box

Eating great-tasting fresh greens out of the garden is one of the special pleasures one gets from growing one’s own vegetables. But you don’t need an acre plot of land to do it in-even a small area will work just fine. With just a little planning and ingenuity, you can grow salad greens just about anywhere.

All you need is a large planter box, or several smaller ones, if you plan on moving plants in and out. Put in some of our great potting soil and you’re in business. If you don’t like to bend over, add legs to the sides of the box, or place it on a table-and you can have a raised planter at just the right height. You can grow from seed or transplant seedlings, whichever you prefer.

Salad greens perform their very best during the cooler seasons. You can even make your planter look colorful by combining different varieties of lettuce, spinach and field greens in the same box. Make sure to feed your greens some organic plant food on a monthly basis to help bring out the best flavor.