Try Some Swiss Chard in Your Garden

Looking for something a little out-of-the-ordinary to plant in your cool-weather garden? Why not give Swiss chard a try? Swiss chard makes a healthful addition to the cool-season garden; it contains no fat, is low in calories and cholesterol and is a good source for vitamins A and C as well as calcium and iron. It is easy to grow as long as its basic requirements are met: full sun (or at least 6 hours of sun per day), and a fertile, well-drained soil.

Both leaves and stems are edible and can be eaten either cooked or raw. A 10-foot row will typically yield between 8 and 12 pounds of chard.

How to Grow

  • Incorporate 2″-4″ of a good-quality soil amendment into the planting bed, along with some pre-plant fertilizer.
  • Space seedings or transplants about 12″ apart.
  • Apply regular water to maintain even soil moisture; plants that have been subjected to water fluctuations will often produce tough leaves.
  • Since Swiss chard does not compete well with weeds, be vigilant and remove them early.
  • Swiss chard is relatively fast growing and is not susceptible to many diseases. The main pests to watch for are aphids, slugs and flea beetles.
  • Leaves can be harvested when they are young and tender or at their mature stage. Harvest leaves from the outside of the plant first.
  • Chard leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Swiss chard can be substituted for spinach in any recipe, and the crisp ribs of the plant can be grilled for a unique side dish.

When the weather warms up late in the spring, the plant will “bolt” (produce flowers). This is your cue that itโ€™s time to remove your chard plants and replace them with a warm-season vegetable of your choice.