Rose Care in Spring

Proper spring rose care will help you ensure a glorious blooming season. One of the most important parts of rose care is pruning. Why should

Knockout Roses

Knockout roses are the answer for every gardener who loves roses but doesn’t want to hassle with their maintenance. They maintain a continuous show of

The Love for Roses

“That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet” William Shakespeare The presence of roses in gardens transcends time. Roses

The 2009 All American Rose Selections

The All-America Rose Selection committee is a non-profit association of rose growers and introducers dedicated to the introduction and promotion of exceptional roses. AARS operates

Organic Gardening and Roses

To those of you who are new to the more organic way of gardening, here are a few tips: Monitoring — that means catching problems

2008 All-America Rose Selections

The All-America Rose Selection committee is a non-profit association of rose growers and introducers dedicated to the introduction and promotion of exceptional roses. AARS operates