Try Something Different for Valentine’s Day

It’s that time of year again when all of us who are in a relationship become fixated on palpably parading our affections; Valentine’s Day should be a celebration of our love, and whether we’re celebrating our sweethearts, our spouses, our parents, or our friends, the gift of a floral plant is not only long-lasting, it also demonstrates a little creativity on our part. Red hearts of chocolates and bouquets of red roses are a lovely gesture, but what about this year taking a different direction?

A favorite for generations, the hydrangea evokes charm and grace with its large flower clusters and wide-ranging hues, from white to lime green to deep blue. In the Victorians’ language of flowers it means “Thank you for understanding,” but don’t let that limit its gifting grandeur. A potted hydrangea in a container that you have chosen, especially tailored to the environment in which it will delight, will be a gift not soon forgotten.

One of the most graceful plants this gardener knows of is the calla lily. In the language of flowers it means beauty. Unique and lovely, the calla thrives at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature at which most households are kept. Add a sunny location, evenly moist soil, and a water soluble fertilizer and your grateful recipient will have a notable new addition to their home.

The chromatic comeliness of the primrose truly makes it a statement, again in the language of flowers, of happiness and satisfaction. As it also means “I can’t live without you,” the surreal multi-colored shades of lipstick pink, deep blue, gold, yellow and purple might prove the most elegant and effective way to let your special someone know just how much they mean to you.

The cineraria sports brightly colored, daisy-like flowers with medium green, arrow-shaped leaves. While the flowers may be white, pink, or red, this popular gift plant from the Canary Islands is most spectacular in the blues and fuchsias.

However, if Valentine’s Day just wouldn’t seem right to you without the gift of roses, why not give a miniature tabletop version? A symbol of love, passion and perfection, the rose has earned its place on this holiday as it has been an emblem of love since ancient times.

Whatever you want to say, and however you choose to express it, we hope that you’ll consider our suggestions for Valentine’s Day alternatives that will truly make this year a memorable one for all of your loved ones.