What’s Bugging You? Cutworms

If you have plants that suddenly keel over in the middle of the night, you might have cutworms. Closer inspection will usually reveal that the main stem has been severed from the roots.The adult cutworms are night-flying moths that lay eggs on grass tips or on the soil next to lawn or plant stems in the fall. In the spring, the larvae emerge and begin developing, feeding on leaves, buds and soft plant stems as they mature. They get their name from their habit of “cutting” off a seedling at ground level by chewing through the stem. A number of species are involved, so identification is most easily done by identifying the damage. Most cutworms will roll up in a ball if disturbed.

Natural remedies include pouring a ring of molasses around the plants, and placing foil or cardboard collars around your plants. Collars should penetrate at least an inch down and up several inches. Also helpful are beneficial nematodes or a pesticide .

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