What’s the best time to plant a seed or sod lawn?

Recommended time to install sod lawn

Sod lawn can be installed most anytime of the year, as long as the ground isn’t muddy (saturated with water) or frozen. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend allowing four to six weeks between planting and the first hard frost.

With seed, you have distinct seasons. In the spring, you can plant from after the last major frost until temperatures consistently go above 85 degrees. Then late summer to autumn, while temperatures are cooling but the soil is still warm. Again, allow for at least four to six weeks between seeding and the first hard frost.

Another key in both situations is to make sure the soil doesn’t dry out between waterings. Normally we recommend watering 3-4 times daily the first two weeks (or until you see germination on seed), then twice daily for week three, once daily for week four, every second day during week five and every second to third day thereafter.

Once the lawn is fully established, water once to the point of runoff (full soil saturation). Measure the amount of time and that should become the time you water each watering day (not each day).