
Now is the time to prepare your soil to plant wildflowers. You may plant successfully through early November. Plant at this time and you will have larger plants with many more flowers than if you planted them next spring.

To have a good display of spring flowers, you can just sprinkle out the flower seed and rake it into the top 1/4″ to 1/2″ of the soil and let mother nature do the rest. But if you want to ensure a great color display next spring, it is best to prepare your ground as you would any other seed bed.

  • Start by removing weeds.
  • Next add a good compost on top of the ground. A 2 cubic ft. bag will cover approximately 100 square feet.
  • Turn over the ground with a shovel or rototiller. You may skip this step if the area is exceptionally large.
  • Rake out the area, removing any weeds or dirt clods. Sprinkle the seed evenly and rake lightly so that the seed is about 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep.
  • Water well so the ground is moist but not soggy.

Most of the seeds will sprout in 3 to 8 weeks. Help Mother Nature a little by watering during dry spells and feeding with a balanced commercial fertilizer. Then stand back and watch that old neglected area turn into a riotous array of color next spring.